If your are going to borrow, borrow from the best, I always say. TodayI borrow The Bard’s wit to shed light on the title of my book, Conjuring Casanova. Obviously, I love alliteration, but my title has two meanings. In Conjuring Casanova, Lizzy Hillman, frazzled and lonely ER doc, conjures Giacomo Casanova from 1774 to 2016. I conjure him by using the words from his memoir, Histore de Ma Vie. He didn’t write about the internet, Food TV, or White Castle sliders, of course, which he discovered in 2016, albeit fictionally. In 3700 words he did discuss nearly every other aspect of 18th century life. It seemed important to me in this age where women still struggle with equality, to introduce modern women to a man who believed women were the superior sex….in 1774! I wanted to represent him fairly using his words.
He was far from perfect. His reputation as a womanizer is all most people know of him. There was much more to this famous libertine. I wanted to conjure him for my readers as faithfully as possible. In, Conjuring Casanova, Casanova is still Casanova even in 2016. He sleeps with Lizzy’s friends, manages to get shot asking for directions, and never gives up trying to seduce his hostess. Doesn’t that sound like smart, sexy fun?
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